The people of Buhweju district have been encouraged to venture into small income generating projects at the household level.

According to the district woman Member of Parliament Olive Koyekyenga, there are projects which don’t require a lot of land and capital. She identified the small projects like bee keeping (apiary), rabbits, piggery, greens, and fruits among others.

Koyekyenga was recently leading a group of farmers and local leaders from Rwanjere sub county in Buhweju district who were on a study tour at Muga Eco village demo Farm in Nyakabirizi Division in Bushenyi/Ishaka Municipality. Muga Eco Village demo farm is private family owned running a number of projects like piggery, coffee shamba, fish farming, apiary (bee keeping), orchard/fruits, goats, rabbits, gardens among others using a model of locally available resources/materials.


Koyekyenga argued that the above are some of the enterprises which they can add on their traditional cash and food crops like banana plantations, tea, and coffee among others. She told the people that gone are the days when a family would rely on one enterprise. Koyekyenga said the more income projects a family runs, the more sources of income. “With the increasing changes in the weather pattern, you have to be wise and diversify because this will save you from relying on one enterprise,” she advised.
